
One: A lovely first letter from Caitlin. I love love love the pretty drawings on the front of the envelope.
Two: A beautiful postcard from France.
Three & Four: I won Megan's little give away. The prizes were a lovely print of the Eiffel Tower. Which is hanging very proudly on my wall. And three beautifully made atlas envelopes.

One: A reply to Megan in a brown paper envelope.
Two: A reply to Caitlin. The envelope is made from an French children's book.
Three: My first letter to Gemma, my first pen pal who actually live in England!
Four: My stuffed envelope for Mike Me At Mikes, Envelope Project.
Oh and yes I know I failed the 30 day challenge. Do I care? Not really. It was incredibly boring, and after the second day I realised what a bad idea is was. But I have learnt a lesson from this. I am never, ever going to do something like that again. Never.
Once again I am terribly sorry for my lack of posts. But it should get better soon, I only have three exams left for this school year. WOOOOOOOO.
Love Shona♥xo